Playing My Fresh Start Makeover on Prinxy
The story about My Fresh Start Makeover
Breakups are rough! You always end up feeling like you have lost a part of yourself and that can really make you feel sad, especially is the other person decided it was time to break things off. Sometimes, though, breakups can mean the start of something new. In this new game called My Fresh Start Makeover, this lovely girl just broke up with her boyfriend, but instead of being sad about it, she decided she will take this opportunity to get a fresh start. Help her do that and start by giving her a nice facial treatment. All the crying made her face a little swollen so apply face masks and creams to make her complexion look beautiful and glowing again. Then go ahead and give her a new fashion look. Start by choosing a brand new, beautiful hairstyle for her. Next, create the outfit by picking out a wonderful dress or choose a fashionable top to mix and match with a cute, colorful skirt. Now she feels so much better and she is ready to enjoy life as a single person. Enjoy your time here!